My experience reading Diseño Ágil con TDD

Frantisek Klucar
2 min readApr 22, 2022

In the previous post, I mentioned that I had finished reading the book ‘Diseño Ágil con TDD’ by Carlos Blé Jurado. Today I wanted to share my experience with the book and the TDD.

When I started reading the book, everything sounded very technical to me, but as I went on reading, everything started to fit like gears. There are times when I had to use Google for certain more technical terms, but I was very attracted to reading the book, which absorbed me every time I continued to read it.

Diseño Ágil con TDD’ is not one of those books you read once and leave them on the shelf or in the closet to catch the dust. It is these books that I know I will read several times, even if it is a particular chapter to reinforce or recapitulate reading. Such as the chapter of “Mock Objects” or “Styles and Errors”, which in my opinion, were some of the best chapters of the book.

Since I started reading the book, practicing TDD and sharing my code with my fellow learners. I have seen a clear improvement when dealing with a problem, either by better structuring the code, naming tests in a more meaningful way or when performing refactoring of my old code. I still have a long way to go to improve, and I continue with the same motivation and enthusiasm as the first day when I start learning TDD.

In conclusion, I recommend reading this gem book, either because, you want to learn to do TDD or to reinforce your knowledge. I would dare to say the book complements quite well with the new Carlos’s book, ‘Código Sostenible’. I started to read him recently, and I will surely do a post about it like this, because it is another gem of a book, and it is helping me to improve as a professional in this sector.

